How did we get here? The ckos story

As I’m sure you are aware, the closure of AbScent finished a chapter of tremendous growth, both for AbScent itself and me personally. I am very proud of what AbScent achieved with a small team and an enthusiastic community. (Read more)

But time has moved on. In closing the charity, I am able to focus on the things that I am most passionate about and do best: interacting with patients and facilitating a safe space for peer-support and information exchange. But this will not be just my work. It is a collective endeavour, made possible by the many members of the community who joined the discussion to help new people, describe their experiences, tell of their recovery (or not), and hold the virtual hands of thousands of distressed people.

Here’s a summary of what you can expect in terms of resources for anyone with a smell problem as this website opens and becomes my new home. 


The website will no longer be updated, but will remain as a legacy resource for the foreseeable future. I will continue to signpost to content there. Some of our most popular blogs on self-care, parosmia, the bereavement of smell loss, Covid, and new treatments, opened tens of thousands of times, have formed the core of our information support. These blogs would not have been possible without the input of many clinicians and researchers. If any of you are reading this, thank you! 

Any new material that I write will be posted on this platform, right here. 

YouTube channel

Our YouTube channel similarly will remain open as a legacy. Every video, from the very first one posted the day of lockdown on smell training, to the NoseWell videos created with support from the British Rhinological Society and ENT UK, as well as the pandemic period webinars – where I was joined by internationally acclaimed scientists – all will remain available. 

The CKOS/AbScent Network

This private, free platform is the heart of our community. This is where the conversations take place, where people meet and discuss their conditions, share their sorrows and their joy at improvement. You’ve probably discovered it already, but if not, look for signposting on the landing page. The transition between the “old” AbScent Network and the “new” CKOS Network will be seamless.

CKOS Newsletter

Please sign up for the Newsletter! You’ll find a link on the landing page. It comes out once a month and will have information on events, new research, news from the Network, and more. 

I will continue to work passionately for the people who suffer from smell disorders. My new professional “home” will be at CORA, the Centre for the Study of the Senses, part of the Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, within the University of London. Look out for future events there in the Spring, both in person and hybrid. 

And if you’ve stayed with me long enough to get to the bottom of this article it’s probably because like me, you have felt challenged by a problem with your sense of smell. I hear you! Join me, and the rest of our community, to find ways to thrive in our new circumstances. 


On new infections